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Speaking Into My Future.

The person that you`re meant to be have; You won`t want to change them. We all can stand some improvement(s) but you wont want them to have any other personality traits because you know that those traits make up who they are. You wont want them to change their way of thought because that`s what you`ll fall in love with. You'll love them unconditionally. You won`t question their intentions.. You will be happy with the person God places beside you. You`ll learn from them. You`ll grow with them. You won`t question the role they are to play in your life. They`ll be patient, as well as kind. Their love keeps no record of wrong against you. They won`t be boastful. Their love will never fail & it will be selfless. They`ll know God is Love & that the love they have for you is of God. You`ll know they are from God. They will be your soul mate. Not The One Who Completes You Because You AreAlready Whole. . . You will know. . .like you know God is Real. They will have met their match within you. You will love for an Eternity, "until death does us part". . .It`ll Never Die.

From God`s Mouth To My Ears With LOVE,

--Eboni Renée

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