001. Real name → Eboni Renée Moore
002. Nickname(s)→ Bean. Ebby. E-B. Eb. Ebster. Eboni-Renée. E-Baby. EBay. Eb Eb. E-I. Eboneizer. Beautifull. Best Friend. Sweetz.
003. Zodiac → Gemini. [Why do People Back Away When I Tell Them This.??! lol.]
004. Male or female → FEMALE
005. Elementary → Colin Powell Academdy & Pulaski Elementary[ugh]
006. Middle School → Genesis Catholic & Transfiguration Catholic
007. High School → Winans Academy [For a Week] ; Lewis Cass Technical High School [ L ] ; Detroit Academy Of Arts & Sciences
008. Hair color → Dark Brown.
009. Long or short → Medium . . .?
010. Loud or Quiet → Varies.
011. Sweats or Jeans → Bothhh.
012. Phone or Camera -> BOTH.
013. Health freak → Eh. Lol.
014. Drink or Smoke? → Neither.
015. Do you have a crush on someone → I Wouldn`t Hardly Call It A Crush. I`m in Wuuuuuvvvvv.
016. Eat or Drink → Come On. I`m An Eatologist.
017. Piercings → 2Ear Lobes + 1Tragus = 3Piercings.
018. Tattoos → Nada. It MIGHT Stay That Way.
019. Been in an airplane→ No. LOL. Horrible. Scarrdy Cat.?
020. Been in a relationship → Uh, Yuh.
021. Been in a car accident → Yeah. L
022. Been in a fist fight→ Once. &%#$@
023. First piercing → Ears.
024. First best friend → Jamie. . .?
025. First award → Principles Honor Roll In FIRST Grade. ^_^
029. Last person you talked to → God[But He`s GOD]. . .so, Courtney <3
030. Last person you texted → Jose.
031. Last person you watched a movie with→ Amber, CHANGELING.
032. Last food you ate → Wendy`s Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger & Chicken Nuggets with Honey Mustard. . .mmm.
033. Last movie you watched → See 031.
034. Last song you listened to --> Sexy Back – Justin Timberlake.
035. Last thing you bought → Little Ceasars a Couple Days Ago. Lol.
036. Last person you hugged --> Courtney.
037. Food → Pizza.
038. Drinks → Strawberry ANYTHING.
039. Clothing → I`don't Know. A Cute Top is Always Great. . .lol.
040. Flower → Lillie.
042. Color → Pink. Black. Purple. Blue.
043. Movie → Too Many To Mention.!
044. Subject → English & Forensic Science.
Check all that apply
In 2008, I....
045. [x] kissed someone
046. [] celebrated Halloween
047. [] had your heart broken
048. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [] someone questioned your sexual orientation
050. [] gotten someone pregnant
051. [] gotten pregnant
052. [] had an abortion
053. [] done something you've regretted
054. [x] broke a promise
055. [X] hid a secret
056. [] pretended to be happy
057. [X] met someone who changed your life
058. [x] pretended to be sick
059. []left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [x] cried over the silliest thing
062. [x] ran a mile
063. [X] went to the beach with a good friend
064. [] got into an argument with your friends
065. [] hated someone
066. [] stayed single the whole year
067. Eating → SO HUNGRY. I`m Thinking IHOP though. mmm
068. Drinking → I Need Some Water. . .BRB. . .Water [ √ ]
069. I'm about to → Finish Watching This Oprah Epy On Abusive Men. [ Tsk tsk C.Brown ]
070. Listening to → Gym Class Heroes. . .WMP on Shuffle.!
071. Plans for today → Honey & Bean Time. ^_^
072. Waiting for: 12o`clock To Hit. : D
073. Want kids? → YES.
074. Want to get married? → Of Course.
075. Careers in mind → Psychologist ; Forensic Psychology ; Forensic Scientist ; Lawyer ; FBI . . .A Girl Can DREAM. Lol.
083. Lost glasses/contacts → OMGosh. Once, When I Was 6 I Thought I Left My Glasses In The Classroom. They Turned Out To Be On My Face.! Haha. Mom&Teacher Gotta A Good Laugh Though. Lol.
084. Snuck out of your house → Umm. . .Sneaking Out To The Curb Count.? [YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.!!! LMBO]
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense → Nope.
086. Killed somebody → Uh. . .Not y. ..NO. lol.
087. Broken someone's heart → I`m SO Sorry.
088. Been arrested → Umm. . .no comment.
089. Cried when someone died → R.I.P Granny & Great-GrandMa. L
090. Yourself → Of Course.
091. Miracles → Yes. Woman Of Great FAITH.
092. Love at first sight → Ha. Not With People.
093. Heaven → Eternity.
094. Santa Claus → Yeah, sure. K
095. Sex on the first date: NO.
096. Kiss on the first date → NOPE.
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes. He Knows His Good Fortune. LOL.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → YES.
099. Do you believe in God → My Creator.? Yes.!
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 25 people- OK?